Saturday, July 26, 2008


I want to remember who I am
And not just once a week.
I want to represent the lord
Each time I think and speak.

Friday, July 25, 2008

mY aWeSoMe FrIeNdS!!!! <3

So these are only SOME of my friends!!!!
I love having lots of friends. I have more but, i dont
have pictures of them..... hahaha

These are some pics of my friends and family!
pretty kool huh? hahahahaha

Old Forgotten pics!!!!

So these are just some pics from awhile
ago. fun fun!!!!! haha

Me, JaKeLLe, AnD KiLeY!!!!!

Me Again!!!!
JaKelle!!!! Again!!
So we were just being weird and made up these funny
dances!!!!! FUN FUN!!!!