Monday, December 8, 2008


ok so annie (my big sis) wasa taking pics of everybody! shes a great
photagrapher huh?? hhaha well the pics are sooo cute! except the ones of
me..... ewww! haha well i love jordan's pics(the funny looking one
haha jk jordan!) they are hillarious! there are TONS more but i didnt
want em all on here! haha call annie if ya need your photo taken!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

tHiS iS MeMe! mY nEw PuPpY!!!!!

so this is my family's new puppy meme! shes 10 weeks old right now
and she is just sooo cute! she is the tiniest thing ever! i love her!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

fRiEnDsHiP! <3

" Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together."
~Woodrow Wilson~

Saturday, November 1, 2008

mUtUaL!!!! yay!

ok well mutual was SOO fun! we modeled!
it was for modest clothing so we used like ceram wrap
and foil and stuff!!! it was fun! and we decorated cookies..
yummy yummy!!! :) <3

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Me AnD FaMiLy At My CaBiN!!!! <3

Me and family!!!!! There super cute huh?????? Its Caden
Phebe, and Will!!!!! Phebe kept taking pictures of me.....
HAHA she is super cute!!!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Favorite Memory!!! <3

As a comment on my blog, leave a comment on my blog that you and i had together. It doesnt madder if you know me a little or alot, anything you remember! If were only blogging friends, write about a post that is most memorible. #2. re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you! Its acually pretty funny to see the respones. If you leave a memory about me, ill be sure to write one about you...either on your blog, my comment box, or i will email you one back. #3. If the memeory happens to involve my family, please include them. #4. If you cant say anything nice, dont say nothin' at all. And please do this on your page too, so we can all share in the fun times together!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Best Friend Poem! :)

Our Friendship is an Ocean, streching far and wide never ending-
filled with memories-that last a lifetime

You've always know just what to say

You were always there, when i needed you most

When I needed- a shoulder to cry on, your's was always waiting

When I needed- someone to talk to, you were always there just

When I needed- someone to hug your arms were doors wide open to

Our friendships just like the stars- both go beond man's reach

YOU were the family God forgot to give me....

Me AnD AsHlYn!!!!! :)

ok you have to look at this picture a certain way
for it to look kool..... so ya!!!

Me and Ashlyn were just having fun with my camera...

so theres lots more crazy pictures but there was jus toooo many!!!

Me KaTeLyNn AnD kRiStI !!!!!!

Me Katelynn and Kristi had an awsome time!!! And you
got to watch our crazy video!!! hahahahaha were weirdos!!! haha

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I want to remember who I am
And not just once a week.
I want to represent the lord
Each time I think and speak.

Friday, July 25, 2008

mY aWeSoMe FrIeNdS!!!! <3

So these are only SOME of my friends!!!!
I love having lots of friends. I have more but, i dont
have pictures of them..... hahaha